LeBron James

How the Celtics are proving LeBron is nowhere near Jordan

Wow, it’s been a while since I sat down and actually wrote a piece for this website. To be fair, I have been busy hosting the 4th and Long podcast with my good friend Darren, so it’s not like I’ve been on holiday or gone missing, unlike someone in the NBA…

Right, I’ll get this off my chest straight away, I have mentioned before that I am a massive Celtics fan, so I am currently loving life. WHERE YOU AT LEBRON? I thought Game 1 was just a feeler game? What happened in Game 2? Now, I’m not sure if LeBron, or LeChoke as I like to call him, can answer some of the questions but I sure can.


Let’s start with Game 1, shall we? LeBron genuinely went AWOL, he just completely disappeared. Marcus Morris completely pocketed him, just like he said he would and LeBron did nothing but watch helplessly as my Celtics blew the Cavs out, completely destroying them.

Game 1 no show

He only managed 15 points with a few assists and rebounds as he also finished with a +/- of –32. That’s just horrific and he is supposed to be the GOAT, pathetic. Now, this may seem like I am completely taking everything off of my Celtics for the win, but I do not mean to do that, they won because they are the better team on the court. Brad Stevens has to be the best coach in the league right now and that competition isn’t even close.

After Game 1 LeBron opened his big gob and had to remind himself and everyone else that he is apparently the King and all that other garbage that comes out. He came out and just completely disrespected the Celtics by saying he has no ounce of worry in his body after Game 1 and it was simply a feeler game for the rest of the series. Basically, he couldn’t accept that a bunch of kids and Al Horford had completely schooled and embarrassed him.

Many journalists and experts after the game came out and said losing to the Celtics in Game 1 wasn’t a big deal and if LeBron went on to lose the series against the Celtics, that this would be better for his legacy than getting swept by the Warriors in the Finals. That is just complete and utter rubbish. Losing to this Celtics team would be the biggest hit to his legacy ever. We are talking about a team that hasn’t got Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward, a team that is currently relying on a rookie in Jayson Tatum, basically a rookie in Jaylen Brown, a super sub in Terry Rozier and a so-called paper All-Star in Al-Horford. He isn’t being beaten by Hayward and Irving, he is being beaten by Brown and Tatum, now that’s embarrassing no matter who you are.

Game 2 Beating  

Right, so here was the big game for LeBron and his teammates, you know the ones he neglects and completely forgets they exist. This was the time where LeBron would turn up and kill Boston and the series. However, that wasn’t the case, we went and beat them once again, although it was closer than Game 1 but not that close. To be fair, LeBron turned up and scored a 41-point triple double but still lost.

Now, this is what really annoyed me about the win. No one was talking about us beating the Cavs again, no one was talking about how LeBron’s teammates were being neglected in that game. Instead, so-called experts were blaming LeBron’s teammates for costing him the game. Hold on one second, Russell Westbrook instantly gets blamed when his team loses and he gets a triple-double but LeBron is praised when it happens to him, seems unfair and biased if you ask me.

LeBron Is Nowhere Near MJ  

Now I am sure most of you think I have a personal agenda against LeBron but I don’t. I respect him for his talents and yes, he is one of the greatest to ever grace the court but he is nowhere near Michael Jordan. Jordan was undefeated in Finals, Lebron is 3-6. Jordan would not only dominate games, he would also get his teammates involved and accept that he may have to win a game that way, LeBron ignores teammates and then blames them for losses. Michael Jordan just oozed class, he never had to remind himself of his greatness, he never wore shoes with King on them. LeBron is the only superstar in NBA history that has to remind himself of his talents.

Hey Cavs, you can have Game 3, hell I’ll even give you Game 4 if you want, but you aren’t getting to those Finals. Us Celtics are here for the future, we are the next dynasty and we are here to put a horrid end to LeBron’s story over in Cleveland. Honestly, we won’t beat the Warriors in the Finals but we will give a much better account for the East than LeBron. Houston will be swept aside by the Warriors and they will probably beat us Celtics 4-1 in the Finals but I couldn’t care less as long as we put an end to that fraud called LeBron.

Celtic Dreams 

Now I have got all that off my chest, it is time to finally give some love to my Celtics team. My God, this team just doesn’t stop does it? They may not have the superstars that Golden State have but they have high Basketball IQ, a fantastic Head Coach and the hearts of lions. They never give up and they play some fantastic basketball. No one believed we would get this far, especially with the losses of Hayward and Kyrie during the regular season.

Jayson Tatum is fantastic and at this stage in time, I genuinely believe he is better than Hayward. Brown has been unreal this season, Terry Rozier has been taking bodies where ever he goes and it’s just brilliant to watch. Al Horford is a guy who never gets the credit he deserves but ends up being the scapegoat for many fans when things go wrong but there is one guy that doesn’t get any media attention and it’s just wrong, this guy is Marcus Smart. Smart plays brilliantly on both ends and is the key to the Celtics success this year, without him we wouldn’t be here today, that is for certain.

I think I am going to end it there before I tarnish any chances of me getting a good NBA Analyst job in the future and also break my keyboard as I have been hitting the keys quite hard. I’ll simply leave you with this:


Can’t wait for Cavs to win in five…

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